Government Emergency Ordinance no. 91/2014 for the amendment and completion of GEO no. 28/1999, provides for the replacement of the log book reels on paper support with electronic log bookmarkers.
The acquisition of new electronic logging devices can only be done from economic operators holding a distribution authorization from the Ministry of Public Finance and the list can be consulted here.
The two deadlines until the economic operators have to purchase the electronic cash register without sanctions are:
- Large and Medium Contributors until 1 September 2018
- Small Contributors until 01 November 2018
What do you need to know?
- If you do not use the electronic cash register or if you have not received any fiscal receipt, you are required to file the A4109 declaration on unused fiscal electronic cash registers.
- During the period of use of the electronic cash register or the issue of tax vouchers, you are required to file the A4200 declaration for validation of the .XML file created by the fiscal electronic cash register.
- If there are multiple electronic cash register houses, you are required to file the relevant statements for each individual.
- Declarations are submitted online at
- Failure to meet the terms of use of electronic log book machines falls under the Prevention Law no. 270/2017
Failure to observe the terms of use of electronic log book machines falls under the Prevention Law no. 270/2017 detailed here.
Check out the 2018 cash register guide detailed here.
Article created by Contabiz Expert Accounting